Posted by: thebylog | September 12, 2005

Blogging About Blogging

These days I have no internet access at home. As a matter of fact, unless I bring a newspaper home or talk on my cell phone, I have no connection to the outside world whatsoever when I step into my apartment (or into my car for that matter – no antenna at present). No internet, no radio, no TV.

As a result, I don’t have just a lot of hope of blogging consistently over the weekends. There are a couple of possibilities, i.e. coming to school (but that will probably only happen if I need to for studying purposes) or latching onto Amy’s family’s computer if I’m there over the weekend, but who knows how often that will happen.

For me, it’s often to sit down in the middle of the day in front of a computer and bang out something for the blog. If I do – as I’m doing now – it’s usually more of an “event log” or a stream-of-consciousness commentary. Not that those are so bad, but it’s best when I can sit down at home with my text editor and without this rushed feeling and write something that seems important to me.


  1. “latching onto Amy’s family’s computer if I’m there over the weekend, but who knows how often that will happen.”

    I have a feeling this will happen, oh, just about… never. *I* certainly wouldn’t post to my blog at my girlfriend’s house!! What a waste of time that would be…

  2. Oh, btw, I noticed, By, that you delinked me.. What did I do to merit a de-linking?

  3. You’re one of those close-minded conservatives Hans! You had to ask?!

  4. I haven’t touched my blogroll since I added my Aunt Rosie. I need to update it though.

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