Posted by: thebylog | June 5, 2005

Lost Sheep Found

Some of you have been praying for CU, and I want to tell you that your prayers were answered, in such a mighty way! He’s a believer.

It won’t be easy for him, there are plenty of things to work through, but it is clear that he has made a conscious decision of commitment to Christ, and that is just awesome.


  1. Hallelujah!

  2. OH YEAH!!!
    “His favorite song of all is the song of the redeemed/ when lost sinners, now made clean, lift their voices loud and strong/when those purchased by His Blood lift to Him a song of love/there’s nothing more He’d rather hear, nor so pleasing to His ear, than His favorite song of all.” (Phillips, Craig, & Dean) PTL!!!!

    The Baritone

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